Friday, February 15, 2008

The Gorgas House, an antebellum attraction

Although the University of Alabama's campus has many scenic sites, the Gorgas House is my favorite by far. Even though I have never seen the inside, but plan on it soon, the outside is just beautiful. With a rod-iron wrap around staircase and two large front porches, one with tall columns and the other with three brick arches on the ground floor, it is easy to see why a lover of old architecture would be attracted to the historical site. Sitting across from the university's immense quad, the charming house is one of the campus's only buildings to have survived the Civil War. Once a dining hall for both students and faculty, the Gorgas House now serves as a museum. Designed by acclaimed architect William Nichols, the house only adds to the beauty of the University of Alabama's campus. Although once on the edge of campus, the Gorgas House now sits near the center in a very busy spot where it is admired by numerous passers-by everyday.


Chelsea's blog said...

It makes sense that it is left over from the old campus. Whenever I see it, I always think how awkwardly placed it like it was haphazardly stuck between Morgan and the next street over.

Blogging for Dummies said...

I have been inside the Gorgas House once. I went as a 6th grader so I didn't really appreciate it then, but looking back it was a great experience.

elhamm said...

I love that house too....every Tuesday and Thursday as Molly and I walk to English we always say how much we love the trees that are in bloom right now along the brick wall....look at them next time you walk by! I think they are the some of the prettiest trees I have seen in a while! We both said how we would love to have our pictures taken on the front steps! And I am thinking that the house would make a great field trip for our class we should suggest it to Robin!!

Alex said...

i love the Gorgas House.. i had to go there for my Arts of Tuscaloosa class last semester.. it is so pretty (i love red brick)